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Aibook made a wonderful appearance at 2023 Aisa Pacific Coatings Shows

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2023 Aisa Pacific coatings show was held in Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre,Thailand from Sep 6 to 8,our Aibook foreign trade team with enthusiasm again to participate in the exhibition,with industry professionals from all over the world,face to face exchanges,explore innovation,technology and future trends.

As an excellent nitrocellulose and nitrocellulose solution manufacturer/supplier in China’s paint/ink industry,Aibook brought nitro products to this exhibition,injecting new momentum into the development of the industry.

Through this exhibition,we show Aibook’s comprehensice strength and corporate culture to customers in global market,and further enhance the visibolity and influence of Aibook.

During the exhibition, with the leading technology, innovative products, cutting-edge concepts and professional technical explanation in the field of Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose solution, Aibook booth was popular, attracting many people in the industry to stop and consult, fully demonstrating the international and professional image of Aibook, which was widely recognized by everyone, and laid a good foundation for the continuous expansion of the company's international business. In the future, Aibook will provide customers with more intelligent, more efficient and more connected products and solutions to help the high-quality development of the industry.

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Post time: Sep-15-2023